Overwintering Pond Plants


Overwintering Pond Plants

overwintering hardy pond plants gardenorg

overwintering hardy pond plants gardenorg Source: website

bundle overwintering aquatic plants pond trade magazine

bundle overwintering aquatic plants pond trade magazine Source: website

danger garden trouble wintering pond plants

danger garden trouble wintering pond plants Source: website

How To Overwinter Pond Plants | Water Garden Advice

Hardy water lilies are one of the most popular pond plants and they don’t need much care over winter. Just cut back any leaves that have turned yellow and submerge the pots in a deep section of the pond where the water is warmer over winter. Lotus can be treated in the same manner and they’ll survive the winter as long as the tubers don’t freeze. Read more…

Winterizing Water Plants: Care Of Pond Plants Over Winter

Overwintering pond plants, such as lily-like aquatics, need to be submerged, yet warm enough. A good idea is to submerge them in a large plastic tub in the greenhouse, warm area of the house or use an aquarium heater. Examples of these are floating heart, mosaic, poppies, and water hawthorne. Read more…

How To Winterize Pond Gardens – Protecting Water Gardens …

Overwintering tender garden pond plants may occur in several ways. Non-hardy plant specimens, such as tropical water lilies, can be moved out of the backyard pond in winter and into a greenhouse or under artificial lights for 12 to 18 hours with a water temp of around 70 F. (21 C.) Or, they may be stored as a dormant tuber. Read more…
