Turtle Pond Fencing


Turtle Pond Fencing

turtle pond fence youtube

turtle pond fence youtube Source: website

snapping turtle climbs fence youtube

snapping turtle climbs fence youtube Source: website

put fence turtle pond squirrels

put fence turtle pond squirrels Source: website

any ideas for turtle pond fencing | Tortoise Forum

Is the yard fenced so the turtle can't escape? Here's what I think – I don't know if I'm all wet or not. Even if the turtle gets out of the pond into the yard, he's going to eventually go back to the pond because its his water source. He will realize eventually that the pond is his new home and he will stay in there once he learns that. Read more…

Pet Aquatic Turtles and Outdoor Ponds

Pet aquatic turtles kept in outdoor ponds do need to have secure fencing. There should be a fence around the pond–at least two to three times higher than the carapace length of your turtle, and sunk into the ground 6-10 inches to make sure there is no chance of escape). The fence should have a solid base so turtles don't get caught up in the wire. Read more…

What Kind of Wall Will Keep My Turtles in a Small Pond …

At the very least, the turtles should have a land area that is about half the size of their water area, but ideally the fence should be at least 6 feet away from the water in all places. Tall Enough While most turtles are not good climbers, a few species do exhibit some climbing ability. Read more…
