Old Truck Waterfall Pond


Old Truck Waterfall Pond

garden ideas diy yard projects kitchen fun

garden ideas diy yard projects kitchen fun Source: website

truck fountain anne kibbe water features

truck fountain anne kibbe water features Source: website

truck waterfall flowers paradise ponds backyard

truck waterfall flowers paradise ponds backyard Source: website

Old Truck Waterfall | Garden Pond Forums

That is really neat! My husband is an antique car enthusiast ('67 El Camino-sold, '68 Corvette-restoring, '66 Chevelle SS-restoring) and I'm sure he would find this use of an old truck very practical! Read more…


An old vintage truck is turned into a fun water feature from Jim and Kay Coffey, for the backyard. You can see more of the making of this fountain / pond, as well as the cottage that is right… Read more…

How to Make a DIY Truck Waterfall for Your Backyard

After a month of set up and labor, help from their friend Blake, and some handy tips from The Pond Guy, the Coffeys were able to build the 24-foot long waterfall and creek feature. The DIYers fashioned the set up using an old cabin, a pickup bed, a catch basin, some liner, and a bunch of rocks and slabs. Read more…
