Bio Filter Duck Pond


Bio Filter Duck Pond

adventures building biofilter duck pond urban

adventures building biofilter duck pond urban Source: website

permaculture biofilter duck pond update year

permaculture biofilter duck pond update year Source: website

circulating duck pond biofilter compound

circulating duck pond biofilter compound Source: website

Adventures in Building a Biofilter Duck Pond – The Urban …

What on earth is a BioFilter Duck Pond? It’s a system that uses natural plants to biologically filter water. That’s only part of the bigger picture though. It’s takes advantage of the symbtiotic relationship between plant, animal and all the little micro-organisms to be found in the water. Read more…

How to build a backyard pond with a DIY biofilter

III. Step By Step: How to Build a Backyard Pond With a DIY Biofilter. … Whether you want to build a backyard duck pond, a meditation pond, a koi pond, a garden pond, or just a beautiful DIY pond to make your backyard extra flashy, let’s get started! Read more…

Permaculture Biofilter Duck Pond (Update) One Year Later …

When the pond was first built it housed 5 ducks and 2 geese. It’s now just 4 ducks & 2 geese. It’s a constructed wetland biofilter that uses mostly rushes and papyrus (the plants go dormant in winter). They use lava rock to house the plants in the filter. Read more…
